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Tweet Tweet!
emikomimie: @faqiehaathilah kawen? settle down? eehhehe
danielleval3rie: Aw @justinbieber left :(
djccut: Sa 28.5. SELECTION @ LABOR BAR ZH •GRATIS Eintritt für alle Ladies bis um Mitternacht•DJ K-RIM DJ ROCKAY DJ FRIDEL CASTRO DJ Q-DROP DJ C-CUT
deny_yanza: #SpinningOnTheDeck: DJ D2N, Snowpy, Deny&Dony(D'twin), Saga, Agunx'Senheizer, Left, Richo, F.DJ T-Lu #SMILEPRO
Qdizzle69: dont drop that thun thun thun
CometHutch: @Flyy_HD *smach* niggie you left me
ATL_Belieber: @NYCBiebette left meh
mansourih: “@ybaraja: Don't resist change or you'll be left behind. #MidnightWisdom”
AlexaizMMADIVA: @Mishpie @antgrant031 No squirt left....sowwy
TheSoneDopeLife: @PrettiBritniMMI chillin layin down boo
sittingaaron: So much stuff left.
o_Obey: @lilxchiefa im down.
Ike__Turner: @mquettalynette Um wats down there
nataliesrevenge: @jengelballs down!
_loveejaas: RT @SheSacksMarkeon: dont drop that thun thun thun
SheSacksMarkeon: dont drop that thun thun thun
_money318_: Im da best, hands down!
gangstafreakloc: #LISTEN freakloc - all falls down retwiss.. -
Sexy_Smurf: @Kelsmarie_420 u down for it ?
doubledutch910: Left behind
isexypanther: @missbieber30194 CHESSA YOU LEFT ME D:
iL0VExWEiRd0ss: Don't drop that thun thun thun
ayoo_angie: "She blew him. Mind and all. Left him speechless, left him tall."
ricardov_veelen: 8 days left!! Warrrr
ArielAyanna: Dont drop that #THUN #THUN
DaGooodLife: Lls RT @im_killnem @DaGooodLife umm drop her off and.never call her back lls
JayDee_225: @Yung_Quinn5 iwulda left witcha
manetame: @SaraGK9KC kohler hands down
bibibabedream: @henkluf @RoyE_AU @missie_88 LOL!!!"Down Tools"??? hehehe
JayDee_225: @Yung_Quinn5 youh left me foo
hasumifrabu: Hmm, scheinbar ist down. Fehlerton vom Client nervt grad ganz gewaltig...
LadyFknJ: @Amalingling internet down :(
JoannaFlames: Abis EDGE langsung drop GSM Q(`⌂´Q)
King_Cel: Just left the bar bumpin @GenoMorganSC then @machinegunkelly !
Teeeuhhh: Nick just left :))
SwiftInstinct: #np Talk Me Down, westlife
Thekells_show: RT @_SayySlim: Drop the undies .,
shesheMarie501: @ImFluu_nHer layn down ,chilln hows life
MuthaFxck_aNino: im left hand pinky numb!!
ChChCHARLEZ_: dam imust be left
Bre_YOURproblem: kayne west _ falls down
_SneakerBabe_: drop and gimme 50
_SayySlim: Drop the undies .,
MzzDaizy: @BeatsByBenny simmer down!
CowboyPoetry_MT: ...Dangling 20ft Upside Down...
wordymcwriter: @jaraparilla @NOH8ER #BlockTenForSpam. 1.Pick a trending tag. #Scroll down tag list until you've blocked ten spammers 3.?????? 4.Profit.
WhoThe_IsKayPee: Its Better Left Unsaid...
GermanyFM: Gerade läuft Falling Down (Demo) von Oasis
iRAPEfacee: @WiseNige I'm down lol
BaddAssCiara: Damn Jas left her bracelets
ChackZz: Hahaha. Da pennt man extra nur 3 Stunden, damit man 'ne Runde nerden kann und dann ist das Battle.Net down. Ich raste aus.
JayCee_14: Some things are better left unspoken
_ShutupHOE: #Np All falls down -K. West
TheAmysaurodon: Audio: wicked-rebel:
LifeAsMacy: @xitsChelsca Just left sorry zzzzz
DashDashSticky: the Glee finale left me unsatisfied..
willierozay52: RT @1Life___2Live: A lil slick talk get er drop er panties quick.. lls
100GRANDROCKY: RT @1Life___2Live: A lil slick talk get er drop er panties quick.. lls
j1rodriguez: left speechles!:O
sammiee_xoxo: @EricMartinn im down!
TheKevinUgo: @Nick_Fields sit down
TFsterl: @Kristen_Mariie la live getting shut down
1Life___2Live: A lil slick talk get er drop er panties quick.. lls
KissieMyLips: RT @success1st_bbu: dick da hoe down & lift her spirits up!
RockaFrock: 1 Medium Left
Be quick!
success1st_bbu: dick da hoe down & lift her spirits up!
WTF_iLOOK_like: @ITSBARBIE_BISH why yall left so late??
TurbosLady9493: Blah, and another one left on base. ICK, Ick, ick.
HerbertMedia: App für iPhone, iPod touch/Kategorie: Navigation: Protegon SOS: Sicherheit gegen U-Bahn-Schläger #hardware #computer
shahdi: Slowing Down in Hengchun
Luisss_Chino_: Left me speechless . . . .
_1Greg1_: @jenjen097 time left for school:
chrislahoda: @chrislahoda @charissat 8:30 left in ot
ItsElleMarie: #nw Left Behind
RachelLynn14: 5 or so pages left.. :(
dennaMuaach: Fever,,Lngsung Drop,, ε(⌣́_⌣̀)з
__phatphat: Damien and his girlfriend drop me off
Ringo_Hendrixx: "@_AleshaRene: Chopa Chopa"<<~ Chopa Nigga Down !
AaronFetch: Shut down ko muna PC.....nood muna ako ng #SHOWTIME......whehehehehehehehehehehehehe..... :)) :)) :))
JJack_24: @YungSavageLCG Damn.. The BWW down here lame..
killakeel: Her album drop yet?
MaraiSemaj: Left Wickie Chickie for Pizza Pirate .
AyyNickLuck: Don't drop that thun thun thun.
Lauren_172: @jessy_klim @morgiebinnz_7 DROP THE MITS!
whiteboy_sthrep: Damn um sick we down 3-1 smh!!
NadaChow: Otw school... 5 minutes left...
RipBogus: Garsol artest RT @HankBoogie4: @jaythreatt kob nigga wen Shaq left he still won two
GermanyFM: Gerade läuft All Falls Down von Kayne West
babyyteeeennnnn: Glee left me speechless.
TaylorMade804: Drop da track nigga @ToneShawty
Naira_Robsten: 15 minutes left #Glee
YanBianca: pirateontherun:
LadeiihLynn: DONT Drop My Thun Thun Thun !
_ShooterMcgavin: 1 game left....den the finals....
justinalaughs: forgetfreshstayclassy:
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