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CB_Finests: Buffalo chicken for lunch
ellenpaigee_x: U is for underwear: — blue pants. green bra http://4ms.me/l2NSrQ
mcp_3: soo hungry can't wait for dinner.
_loveeBW2: ..,'chilln getting ready for school
CricketingBears: Fifty for Benkenstein Durham are 260-3
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Rayy_speaks: no school for me :)
DanielleBrozin: @keren_noch well done for ur tikkun prize and ur scroll u genius :D
RiaOneDirection: @Bieberison thanks for following c:
viecha87: Iyee,,cuss skrg tidur..btw au kmn besok? RT @bieber_Lina: RT @viecha87:mauuu lah (kiss for senior ;) ) Next awak ... http://tmi.me/aAUBW
MrParisTokyo: @KayyLay1 intern for him
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NewsNowBreaking: Obama Gets Cheeky ‘Smart Alec’ Nickname for UK Visit http://goo.gl/fb/XQYv5
DocJane_BDB: @Ehlenabdb <talk anymore about it, I drop the subject* Well, I told @LeishaBDB last night that I will call to some local nurseries I know>
PersianBelieber: bieberstuff: http://tumblr.com/xtn2nyb2b1
tphoto10: @Chris_Nitz Thanks for the RT, Chris!
bieberxstyles: bieberglasses: http://tumblr.com/xcp2nyb1b6
tasha_cullen101: @chick_spikes haha for real kool kool
colinseiler: @Nastinchka DIE DIRTBALLER, DIE! (that's German for The Dirtballer, The")
jillioheath: Herbalife just launched Herbalife 24 for athletes...its insane.
MadaJustin: FOLLOW @ghelbieber @ghelbieber @ghelbieber for a new follower :).
iMedia_Digital: GLI Jetta Volkswagen: $2,800 - Fresno, Kentucky
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AngieLoveBieber: bieberglasses: http://tumblr.com/xqu2nyajl3
iMedia_Digital: 92 Volkswagen Jetta: $1,500 - Dartmouth, Massachusetts
tonyluvskeyshia: Im hungry waiting for lunch!!
Privatisierung: For Sale: Das muss Athen verkaufen (Kurier): Die Regierung in Athen gibt noch nicht auf: Sie ha... http://bit.ly/klEar7 #Ausverkauf #PPP
caitlinovens_: Popcorn chicken for dinner:D!
TruthVII: @RyanChang72 Preorder for me? :)
Taralovesjoe91: Waiting for dinner, :) im getting chicken, potatoes, carrots, peas and gravy yum xx
stephenedharper: So much for getting an A in physics.
biebermonster96: @MagicKidrauhl @bieberwifie follow for follow?
mohpadil: RT @zakyalfathu: @archiepp pray for archie :) hehehe :p
CarmenMillenx: @andysamuels31 whats for dinnner? x
Serasezen: Ben en çok 'şeytan' ı oynarken, aziz gibi görünürdüm! (V For Vendetta) @yunusgunce
KenWJD: RT @keepfoodlegal: RT @nickgillespie Drink up! MT @logicologist Yo, @nickgillespie:, @MikeRiggs, @mleewelch RT for Raw Milk freedom!?? http://bit.ly/myKID1
lynsiwatson: mmm chicken curry for dinner.☺
KidrauhlBiieber: @EpicJBieber Thanks for following! :)
petegasruk: Gute nacht @ririwidyaa ☺ ich liebe dich ♥ thanks for tonite (˘⌣˘)ε˘`)
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MeinBesterTarif: Frisch gebloggt: Green Innovations - A Change http://seo-informant.de/strom-informant/2011/05/green-innovations-a-change-for-personal-life/
YvezDawson: RT @Sunshine59371: ❒ Single ❒ Taken ✔Growing a dick for Chris Colfer
schneerot: RT @fitness_oli: Erkennt Ihr außergewöhnliche Schönheit, wenn Ihr ihr begegnet? Mein Lieblingsblogpost: http://bit.ly/9u8IGj
VixenPinky: @SknToneHeniStr8 its kool its finals wk for me :(
DaRealAlBundie: HUGE GEMINI CELEBRATION FOR @MRZCAMERA & @DaRealAlBundie !!! Music By @bigmikeruler @DJRushCT1 & @DjKareem01! http://t.co/xJVdeoL”!
briiestressfree: watching V for Vendettaaa
Farah_Haddad: vote for my #Bieber @justinbieber http://bit.ly/llwB4K
MrRozayyyyRaww: No school For Me
gregorbates: @NadjahBieber @IbiebstiaraII @justinbieber_o3 @justinbieberxml @BiebsNDJarrell @BuzzBieber @fujisenpai @incredibleBGs follow for follow? :D
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geekgrover: out for dinner.
J_seales11: Football is life and ill die for it
Cmscarreira: Tips For A Better Webinar - http://www.photozz.com/?1rcr
Sunshine59371: RT @Mina_Cha: LMFAO!“@Sunshine59371: ❒ Single ❒ Taken ✔Growing a dick for Chris Colfer”
MarcusSingh: @seobie_seungie thanks for following back :)
xokeilynxo: no school for me
MSMINNIBOSS: so im lame for paying bills....
iamkingkickz: @iRunTwitt_er for? Space Jams? 8-13
Chanie_Renea: Chicken for lunch
lookitsella: So much for my diet.
yo_MAMA_HBIC: Spinach & bbq chicken for breakfast #yum
MeinBesterTarif: Frisch gebloggt: Germany i http://seo-informant.de/strom-informant/2011/05/germany-is-the-most-preferred-destination-for-all-industrialists/
OhHeyMarleni: Waiting for Jasmine
kstewAwesome: @Robstenawsom sorry for sen reply! men hey bæsjen min ♥ jeg chiller, du da?
megleem78: #jimmyjohns for lunch!!!!
TrezzTriandy: TT for VORTEX :D
Logica: RT @logicadeu #Logica übernimmt spanisches Beratungshaus Grupo #Gesfor: http://bit.ly/krtEKJ http://bit.ly/jQxcl3
xomorgann10: @kels_2014 WHATS FOR LUNCH?
MrsDSalvatore: RT @Sunshine59371: ❒ Single ❒ Taken ✔Growing a dick for Chris Colfer
AMB_Akademie: Die "Academy for Nutritionists" bildet international Ernährungsberater am Ort Ihrer Wahl aus.
_thatsHER: Late for third ohwells
guenterexel: #Deja – eine Art Flipboard für Videos am iPad: Das wird noch ein Erfolg … http://tcrn.ch/il1IH9 (via @techcrunch) #tl
AyeItsJoeyy: @karenfarahh so much for family...;;)
nanaacquah: Wakye for lunch life..
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_iiAmBREE: @MissRobynMarie for prom?
LindseyManzi: @DJMacDiesel 2,500 followers fast for 4.99!! -> http://tiny.ly/dUmm
biiieberlicious: RT @gregorbates: @band_belieber @alisha_bieber96 @dblandon10 @MeghanShen @biiieberlicious @cakerstewbaker @BatelBadash @PerthsBeliebers follow for follow?:D
Leezy9: @fLeX_mUcH nigga ant seen ma son for months
nazryshortfarty: I am such a genius for picking '300' for Mise-En-Scene! I am awesome!!!! #smilebigbig
LenovoDE: Unsere Werbekampagne "For those who do" startet in Deutschland. Hier der Spot: http://bit.ly/myWaTM
cmorekake: fried chicken , mashpotatoes && gravy && mixed fruit for lunch :)
cikleebie: FA for me and ZS for him :)
victoriacnash: @DanielleLauraaa Damn :L Anyway, cheers for waiting after school! ;D
Globescoper: WEIRD IS LIFE: Brazil May Impose Warning Labels for Lingerie and underwear. http://t.co/YEn6WET
S0phieWeir: @xTw_BieberFan not for us:p
keepfoodlegal: RT @nickgillespie Drink up! MT @logicologist Yo, @nickgillespie:, @MikeRiggs, @mleewelch RT for Raw Milk freedom!?? http://bit.ly/myKID1
Moira52797: The Wine For Millennial Gamers! http://t.co/MEqpxdK
haumahu: Enemy down RT @EdoLantang: @haumahu absen gw mlm ini.
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