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starryrabu: Time for medicine. ._.
valz_: @DJura_DAqua waiting for MU vs barca \(´▽`)/
araexplosive: Hahahahaha RT @iicha_nice: Drop se drop drop nya -_____-RT @araexplosive: Bicara tolo tolo ma @iicha_nice hahahahahaha bakso itam oh tlg td
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ncekdrumz: Nobar!! :) stay for barca!!
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Mirandax99: Vote for Tokio Hotel
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brookeparker_: Is so excited for @SlamDunkMusic Festival tomorrow :D :D
missligan: Barca for life.........................
needless_needle: RT @homing_echo: 宣伝です。本日アップしました新譜のデモです。 【クロスフェードデモ】 「Horror For Holiday Shoppers」 - KEI 【ボーマス16】 (8:28) #nicovideo #sm14582699 http://t.co/IZHOrvk
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cesar71312: #voto1xq madrugo para ir a la u y ellos ya estan trabajando for US @UnionSansanaGYE
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sixtynine_dodhy: Barca barca barca barca RT @rezapahleviii: #MUFC #MUFC #MUFC #MUFC #MUFC 4Believe for champions tropy
RobynFoster: I love Graham for Corrie, lol. He's so adorable.
hugoeliass: afinal, ensaiaremos. "TYRANNOR RETURNS FOR ONE DAY" kkkkk \o
coachvecchio: Menu BUCANERO,desayuno carne mechada con queso refrito,huevos revueltos ,nueces jugo de patilla ,leche con cereales!
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viitrindade_: My god e se eu for pro campal e nao ter barraca pra mim? ai fofs kk'
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lira_junior: I'm at Aeroporto Internacional Pinto Martins (FOR) w/ @fredglemos http://4sq.com/iyYxFt
bieberswagTM: @Marijoe_xxii16 "me tengo que ir" "nada que hacer" "estoy muy aburrido/a" :) ('o' for boy and 'a' for girl)
MsKionaT: Motto for today .... Idgaf!
1D_TT_TW: Lying down game. Mexico. http://twitpic.com/53mj7k
MahMarangon: E vale a pena? Vale. Vale se for amor, se você tiver fé, se você acreditar, se te fizer feliz de verdade, então vale.
hugoenggar: podho, nek aku kro @BagasRestuAji RT @vendapratama: Barca for today, n i will see 5,000 idr come to me
ade_f16: Abou diaby :) RT @YuliEP: Fabregas kah?? O_o RT @MilanDiavolo: GALLIANI: today in London..for Mister X? / hoy en Londres..por Mister X?
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odjipau: BARCA FOR #championsleaguefinal
nanadiahh: focus for tomorrow
ailsaRussell_: @_kathmac @jilladeleeccles soooooo keeeeen for monday ladddys :):)<3
DrBril_29: Leftover carrabbas for breakfast
BeliebinFL: RT @JASMINEVILLEGAS: no time for lames
RnbwDashIsWin: Real bad luck for Alguersuari in Q1. #F1 #Monaco
rifan_saputra: "@bhiemacemmacem: Barka for ever..." 4-0 untuk barca :D
SankaYouDead: Feel for nachos
WesKainMafia: @MXPTV follow now for pro mx up dates @ClaeanaM@@AdamCianciarulo@APRIL_117@flanaman85@vanillaice@bigmikecook81
adit_bote: RT @megaputrie: ┒('o'┒) ELO BARCA, (┌','┐) GUE MU = ┒(⌣˛⌣)┎ BARCA END! RT @elsiefanie: Yeah, I'll go for Barca tonight
ingridN_: @sophiaelizabth http://www.justinbieberzone.com/2010/12/selena-gomez-takes-off-purity-ring-for-bieber/
qslaq: @laradiodelsur Ayuda a parar el #GASODUCTO que destruirá #PuertoRico. FIRMA LA PETICIÓN en 48hrs. http://bit.ly/mnZ60c Gracias.
MarlokkoFireRed: Photo: pacalin: http://tumblr.com/xgd2q15ron
n_amarnani: Easy win for nadal @rolandgarros #FrenchOpen
abrareffendi: PRAY FOR EL BARCA!!!! Glory elbarca..
cheekycheekie: At Pariya Omotesando for @automaboy 's birthday party! http://twitpic.com/53miqk
Yuxuankenobelo: Late for claas
Claetra407: @siwon407 hwaiting for today oppa ♡
daisychainbooks: Easy win for Rafa today. Vamos! #Nadal
cristinautrera: @paulapedrajas creo que seremos las próximas costillitas del menú! Porque mama mía...Dieta lo que se dice dieta aquí no deben saber lo q es.
aaeasswhy: Eye opener for me today. ewww
qslaq: @aristeguicnn Ayuda a parar el #GASODUCTO que destruirá #PuertoRico. FIRMA LA PETICIÓN en 48hrs. http://bit.ly/mnZ60c Gracias.
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ulvanurvita: yia babel gws juga ya (ˆ⌣ˆ)ε˘`) RT @luhayufm: amien :) gua juga :) gws for us :)
AveLealee: @ainiestafan babye .. pray for triumph ! #FORCABARCA m/
JustinB3_1_94: @TeamBieberArmy can u dm @justinbieber for me
vilanthesexth: @lolas_bratboy for real??
femiafittari: Thanks for today @Inggriddaneilla (˘⌣˘)ε^ ) ♡
veronicafeltz: Relay for Life Yard Sale!
Deviadwinas: Barca for tonite!!! \m/
DedeLaurentino: "Questions run too deep for such a simple man" parece "Deixando a profundidade de lado". Logo, Supertramp = Belchior. E o pior, gosto dos 2
mayasaphira: RT @dindinna: Thanks for todaaaaayyyyyy @mayasaphira @zarazarde @Deazyx @inkamaydorry @ichsansucitra
qslaq: @madeleintlSUR Ayuda a parar el #GASODUCTO que destruirá #PuertoRico. FIRMA LA PETICIÓN en 48hrs. http://bit.ly/mnZ60c Gracias.
RiaNceek: Mauu pacayaaan nih .. :D RT @ThienaLeon: Waitin for @bascuy ... (✽˘⌣˘✽) http://myloc.me/kmn0Q
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SWVApost: RT @sr4liberty: Va. delegation asks Obama for disaster help | HamptonRoads.com | PilotOnline.com http://goo.gl/w0KyM #SWVA #VA
yuliep: Fabregas kah?? O_o RT @MilanDiavolo: GALLIANI: today in London..for Mister X? / hoy en Londres..por Mister X?
rama_pierce: MU for sure!!RT @aditya_exia: MU 5 RT @rama_pierce: BARCELOENOL & MU #MenangUk
mheyagachy: Barca Vs MU... Sapa brani barca for 1/2.. 500rb.. Bwa kmari.... °\(^▽^)/°
ameliarizkynt: RT @nadhiramokoagow: RT @REYHANARDEO: Barcelona for tonight! Visca Barca!
Jelena123Biebs: @yadbieberefron anytime for u :)
alexandrefaaria: Se o mundo for realmente acabar em 2010, eu vou arrepender de ter estudado atoa!
misaelbencosme: Ay jesu RT @LauraTaverasA: Yayyy \=D/ extrañamee :* RT @MargieMichelle: Mueretee.l. RT @LauraTaverasA: No class for me today :'D
AsrarChowdhury: #Nadal vs #Veic 6-1 6-3 5-0 | #RolandGarros #FrenchOpen #Tennis #MatchPoint for Nadal
lovebearrr: mie goreng for lunch
DinaMarie11: Si Dios nos manda por caminos dificultosos, nos da buenos zapatos - thanks muneca for the lessons ;) xo
Vemirhy: RT @lasmyanryanti: asikk barca juga hahay RT @Vemirhy: BARCA BARCA BARCA BARCA. GLORY JUST FOR BARCA yeeeaaahh (y)
PARIPPIPPIN: Super excited for tomorrow!! XD
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alyssanadela: RT @Jelena123Biebs: @AlyssaNadela AHAHHA ANYTIME FOR U N THX BIEBER SISTER :)
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OohPrettyTony: @blackgijane lol! No more tequila for me!
Leanne_Rasher: Barrier for kol ...score :-)
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