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anna_booth: going to nandos for lunch :D
Lewis993: Can't wait for barca to molester united
Sound1618: RT @Neurus_Ex: @blaxend Css es la perfecta descripción del amor: Sigue sus propias y absurdas reglas y te tienes que abrir la cabeza para que quede bonito.
Itdependsgiao: RT @chitomirandajr: Mamaya na yung MMK ni @kaye_abad please watch!!! Sa AbsCbn!!! (MMK stands for "Maala-ala Mu Khamo"...ay este "Maala-ala Mo Kaya") Nuod kayo!
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RushiSketcher: no sabía que la canción de Face Down era de RJA O.O *el el videoclip de your guardian angel el cantante me recordó a Deirara TwT*
sheren_michella: Ready for liga champion tonight. Barca~mu~barca~mu..excited
SevillaSheena: RT @chitomirandajr: Mamaya na yung MMK ni @kaye_abad please watch!!! Sa AbsCbn!!! (MMK stands for "Maala-ala Mu Khamo"...ay este "Maala-ala Mo Kaya") Nuod kayo!
PolskaT: RT @SNDR22: Bij @sandyteresa in de auto. #twexit (for life☹)
iloveleegikwang: RT @chitomirandajr: Mamaya na yung MMK ni @kaye_abad please watch!!! Sa AbsCbn!!! (MMK stands for "Maala-ala Mu Khamo"...ay este "Maala-ala Mo Kaya") Nuod kayo!
DonRiyan: RT @meyciliatjandra: (˘ʃƪ˘) for barca..
clareblitz: Named my itouch- Laila.. sosyal name for alalay! haha! yipeee!
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anna_shofana: Time for magrib pray :)
chitomirandajr: Mamaya na yung MMK ni @kaye_abad please watch!!! Sa AbsCbn!!! (MMK stands for "Maala-ala Mu Khamo"...ay este "Maala-ala Mo Kaya") Nuod kayo!
creed_lorz: @DaniAlvesFans 2-0 for barca
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ChrisRussianYo: @CupCakesLa Breh Clam Down.
DeaLink: waiting for tomorrow
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kiaaaaaaaa: Kamicos for merienda.
adiikolenk: Wembley for barca
jewishcherylpet: RT @MrJimmyCorkhill: Bueños Dias Amigos ... Today, for me, I speak a Spanish for Barca!! Vamos Barca !!! Dos Cervezas Por Favor!!
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shuwen_0307: @S_Meiyi1493 @CarrineC haha..yaya..so wad's ur activity for tomorrow?
hantubasket: 1-0 barca RT @aurickf: 2-1 for MU!
raulvenegas: Más nervioso que Paquirrín el día que dan el menú de la semana en Supervivientes. #vamossevillaatletico
villalovers: @devita_aulia i followed you back !! :) ♥ sorry for the late follow back ♥ #ViscaBarca #ViscaBarca #ViscaBarca
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HastinWiday: Can't wait for MU vs BARCA...☀
KenniGalego: @thaxoan o menú levaba ovo cocido ehh xD non nos times! xD
jesugandalf: Obsesión: pone "menú Gastronómico" y leo "menú Astronómico"... O_o
andiniyudhita: RT @febydewina: Semifinal #indonesia vs denmark! Gooluck #indonesia for #sudirmancup2011
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Dont_Sass_Me: No Caleb Fuhndae For Me.....
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Marangga: Visca El Barca for tonight,hahaha..
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SndR22: Bij @sandyteresa in de auto. #twexit (for life☹)
soliderichong: RT @myYOUNGsisters: sinong excited for @MariaLDelBarrio ? :) haha OWEM !! todo todo na naman ang suporta ng mga @imENRICHfan @erichlovers @weloveerichG niyan :)
zlatangga18: Game over for barca !!!
ana_cald: @Sandrona81 Holaaaaaaa!!!! Ara si que veig coseteees!!! Que me pierdoooorrr.... M'he de comprar el twitter for dummies!!!! jajajja
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NiGeLo12: @NathanBautista ah. haha. for your good naman siguro
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SherwinJey: @teamKB24 go for next season. go kobe.
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agie888: @apolarcega oo apol excited na for #MMK kc andun c #supermanuelchua
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erichlovers: RT @myYOUNGsisters: sinong excited for @MariaLDelBarrio ? :) haha OWEM !! todo todo na naman ang suporta ng mga @imENRICHfan @erichlovers @weloveerichG niyan :)
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Zotbot: @kiddsarahhh lol yay for laziness!
au_llanto: hmmm... excited for tomorrow.... sama ka?
EvLawliet: @SalvadorVanessa 3x3?? too lazy for 5x5 ahha wwyba? :)
dit4dit: Prepare for Wembley tonight. Viva la Barca
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drowsyD: ☀̤̣̈̇ Gw Bkn Barca ☀̤̈̇ ⌣»̶·̵̭̌·̵̭̌✽̤̥̈̊ Apalagi manu ✽̤̥̈̊·̵̭̌·̵̭̌«̶⌣ ⌣»̶·̵̌ARSENAL FOR SURE! ♥ ··̵̭̌«̶⌣
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fitsur: VISCA BARCA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cules r here for u
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