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accba: "Sem a música, a vida seria um erro." Friedrich Nietzsche
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RaayBeadles: Happy birthday Jazmyn Bieber!!!
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O_oNiquee: RT #teamtwist "@TwistKhalilFan: #TwistandTwisters deserves to be a trending topic for @LilTwist! =)"
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paulley72: Hamilton is a prick
Paaaulineng: @chelseachewy but still , ur a bieber freak , @serenadier
DavidFFox: Lewis is a prat!
scottysniffffs: @NikkiSchwartz a dick?
SaraAlKhodair: Bs fe #e5tbarat a9eer a professional artist !
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ReedoMUFC: Lewis Hamilton is a dick.
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neilmonnery: Lewis Hamilton is a thug.
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Isadoraamaciel: Photo: thejbieberlove:
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