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CeceliaBby: RT @theelittleone: #IHateItWhenImDriving and.... oh wait i dont drive.. smh -___-
creep6655321: @Quotes_Life and thats a big fat lie
tickleMYtweets: @kenji_bKILLENem Txt me and Im gon tell yuh.
AliAtk: summer sunshine, tats, and gages
my_googlereader: Review: Fahrenheit for iPhone and iPad http://dlvr.it/TFPtz
aka_mc_loven: @chrisNfalon412 b4 and after pics http://t.co/UJISjEy http://t.co/VJjrCWv http://t.co/BY3PeNz http://t.co/KPPUPp8
SuyinMenzies: @Chris_Nero81...... And?
IndependenceCC: ICC Cheerleaders of the past - Susan Faler, Sarah Stafford, Neysa Hawkins Forsythe, Donna Clark Hoben and Sarah... http://fb.me/11DVzM9zX
leobyloves_: La mirada girls are unforgettable :)
Bye chrisy and @kaymariegee http://t.co/U3o1CcD
Carter_Design: @chelbs Amen and Amen!
IsabelleHorler: #killerbands mumford and guns
puwisdom: http://www.pulist.net/last-letters-from-attu-the-true-story-of-etta-jones-alaska-pioneer-and-japanese-pow.html #michigan #native #breu #
David_Ferrie: @Flickr and then share them on @pixie
HaneishiMerleiq: School Essays, Letter and Phrases: http://amzn.to/iwLsMF
15percentkidney: @SmallGuns you and fried chicken?
sassynat123: alex and austin<3 ( @austinmahone live at http://ustre.am/sKOy)
miahmachelle: oh and im study !
WARsenis: Review: Fahrenheit for iPhone and iPad\n\t\t http://bit.ly/iKX0h7
kaittlyn__n: Me and @ihatetravisf are Jewdas
emily_g88: Paget Brewster, ladies and gentlemen.
ItzCookie2U: Vodka, rum, chicken and pasta!!!
Carolllynn: Wine and movie night
mOnstEr_TAYbal: So im watching Lincoln Lawyer.! And eating chicken tenders
Jaggers94: Mumford and guns #killerbands
breakinq_news: finna watch tv and chill .
LeeHooper1: he gets better and better and better!!! RUN MACHINE!!!
JniceMckenzie: RT @kilomusic: Performing alongside @3DedicatedBros and @LeonMckenzie1 2nite at Brixton Jamm!! http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=216288418400699&ref=nf
RobHHill: Bisping vs. Miller on #TUF? Tagline should be "Douche and Douchier". #UFC
Ateekster: @7areghum_eng And #Bahrain
aaronstank: dinner and movies with @allikatt102 #nuttinbedda <3
concaligae: Your photos and data on Flickr http://goo.gl/fQdhp #flickr
mmby2k: #np @LilTunechi and @rickyrozay -John
infoprodukte: Muvizu & Saints and Soldiers soundtrack http://bit.ly/mAstNM #muvizu
cynbdemented: La Perle Vietnamienne for liiiiiiife and beyond and eternity and infinity <3
LoveForBiebs_: @AlexBieebers im 15 and you?
torfaenjazz: http://yfrog.com/h8i3zsvj James Chadwick and Lydia Glanville
dynamite_peltz: Dis 4rm an albert einstein wanabe? @lst he knw wat da flip he ws doin...#okhi.RT @mastermind1808: @dynamite_peltz and urs looks like
kittyfisherp: @LinziEllen_ Krunchystump and shiny aubergine purple x
CommeDitParDREW: me and aryn were being SO gay after school .
Jnerdy22: oh and @mykebratchett bros 4 life
jajiyo: -.- and im here
RosWilsoTrip: Poker run and BBQ in West Milford will benefit homeless animals http://bit.ly/kg3afD
Mr_AntWood: @maliRae_ 10 and =/
jenniebiieber: each generation gets smaller and smaller.
BethRose321: @MissGeorgiaH and me but okay then D:
CFTFootballTalk: RT @jamienye: #Esks cut former #Riders P Jamie Boreham and DE Michael Stadnyk along with DB Lennie Walls and DL/LS Neil Puffer.
ChawntonioDaGr8: Sanford and Son
Elsa_Laska: @Annuntiator: Das musst Du @ASchwibach fragen, ich hab keine. And btw - weil ich jetzt öfter im Pool bin - gibt es ein wasserfestes iPad?
racheelkate_: @CherLloyd_brats same here! and im 14 heheh :P
_QueennBree: And im hungry. -_-
CityyBoy: and im textn dis dick
LivGaines: @hannahstuartx3 bring @Chris_Cain_DBB and @SambLV
itwatontwitt18: Life for lax and lax for life
CurlyMcHazzaMan: @malithebelieber yeaaah and bieber blast! :D and okaaay(:
StLouisPlaces: Mentions for St. Loius parties and nightlife: http://sch.mp/bn4
Mrs_ICOnic_Boyz: @GlitterrAnimal well thn *said blushin* im glad yu came Nick :DD and thnxs Allie yur the Bestt <3<3
EvalassidisGadg: Review: Fahrenheit for iPhone and iPad http://goo.gl/fb/Y7pXP
EvalassidisGadg: Review: Fahrenheit for iPhone and iPad http://goo.gl/fb/WUGII
AitanaimeGomez: RT @AlfredoFlores: @justinbieber and @scooterbraun are my heroes
SwimmingMichael: Actors: Daniel Radcliffe : Harry Potter, _Michael_ Gambon : Professor Albus Dumbledore, Dave Legeno : Fenrir... http://dlvr.it/TFNt7
laurenrick: Grill master kel RT @kellrickard: Grilling for @pmansell32 and @laurenrick!
imiginn: @jedward_sophie billionaire unstable and friday hehe
GrayLBE: @keicherr1 text me and tell me lol
Simone_Margett: Darren during the Klaine skit :) http://lockerz.com/s/105313188
_OMGamilestone: dinner and a movie! (:
maiteefranco: and smile ♫
TevonAnderson: @arii_nickole ,,. and yo budddderrr!
ChokeonWords: "Fast" Cars and Floozies. http://chokeonwords.com/girls/cars/fast-cars-and-floozies/
ubercons: RT @_laughingsquid: Chevy Chase, Dan Akroyd, John Belushi, and Lorne Michaels, in... http://dlvr.it/TFLf6
MonikaSophia: @JYLeader3424 im 24 and im 178cm
d_landeros: RT @reIdahoan: And #ff new followers @Proschuno @d_landeros @sandinbrick
DemyxInagieb: Studies in Augustine and Eriugena: http://amzn.to/lkrd2f
NiniLondon: Why is nicki minaj tricking her fans DWL poor barbz and ken barbz...!
4ever_kidrauhl: braunbieberswag: http://tumblr.com/x8f2pppmk4
mattcohen4real: @ErikaDeShasier americn football and track
Biebers_Baby_xx: RT @TeamGaGaBieber , @joylovesjbieber and I talked so much about Bieber behavior http://t.co/iUXjBCx
KristinAshleyyy: Sick. Snuggling in bed and watching Grey's all night.
LaBarbie_Paris: anw drake and nicki so cute in da video clip *side eye @DaFrenchBarbie *
PirateWench: Cold Fried Chicken and diet Dr. Pepper... yum, dinnertime
aoifebrowne_: And none for Gretchen Wieners.
definedphoto: Photo: Rise and Fall on Flickr. http://tumblr.com/xj22ppp5ou
drawncandy: @westwickworld done and i ♥ ur bg :D so nice ♥
liquidgoldmovie: @Jovangie follow @organicmeatman and @SistaMidwife follow back.
ValeBustindui: @jorgelgarzag and @justinbieber http://yfrog.com/hsodetzj
kavey18: Dinner with Jen and the dog park gang
suna2ibrahim: #oprahlivetweet http://www.oprah.com/own-oprah-behind-the-scenes/TWEET-LIVE-with-OPRAH-during-an-all-new-Oprah-Behind-the-Scenes
RawstaGuy: @kenziebluhhhh thankss... And okayyy =]
JollysTwltter: @leBeau_Marie Stop being unfaithful and follow me
cotubusinxx: jen and matt attl are so cute.
Fridu28: @SoyDiegoTejeda AND FRIENDS porfaa :)
ChristyTyler: Brainstorming... and researching... and dreaming BIG!!! =D
_OrdinaryKrissy: And im sick.
reIdahoan: And #ff new followers @Proschuno @d_landeros @sandinbrick
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