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KiLLCody_: Chicken Pot Pie Is for suckerz!! O_o! #Wtf
REYYsongz_: same for the niggas...
Valerieajs: weight loss for children forum -
meaganallyson: RT @_JessicaNicole: Wine for dinner
CHodgesmusic: @chriskirkland03 thanks for the RT, man!
NotesLife: @thebestofdbest 3RTs for 3RTs? :)
UrShawtyFrandea: @SyazofficialPG @alfie_mnm @WeJBieberGirls @OMBieberDick @BTRallTheWay @BieberOfINA @saphireink follow for follow?
rinatania: For better, for worse "̮
BikesRc: Abs Fairing For Honda Cbr1000rr 06-07 2006 2007
ChinaBizWatch: Senior Deutsche Bank banker nabbed for carrying gun at HK ~Reuters
anaflaperrone_: RT @xnegron: @anaflaperrone_ SOOONHAAAAAA!!! Cm essa banha toda soh c for a Shakira FAT!!!! heauehaueaheuaheuaheuehauehauheua #rialto
ChrisstianDuran: Im #pissssttt my rents made me pay for dinnnerrr wtf!!!!!
AlexanderHeinzl: Mach genauso weiter wie bisher und verdien das Doppelte!
PolyAmory00: Praying for George Clinton. :(
bigsteamboater: Wrangler man for life
wlfende: Neu auf stay-free.Org:
Demokratie und Mafia von Oliver Heuler
torrybruce: @MoBeanMT tell @JessCrombie hi for me!!!
Lavish_Nene: RT @StopLurking_HOE: Niggas lie for what?
simply_ANGELic1: RT @Juan_TheChamp: Pray for better days !
xnegron: @anaflaperrone_ SOOONHAAAAAA!!! Cm essa banha toda soh c for a Shakira FAT!!!! heauehaueaheuaheuaheuehauehauheua #rialto
rickrugg: Im waiting for u cuhhhh @tthockeytt
siddarthvader: Frozen chips for dinner at 11 pm.
Squirt23LB: @DRbechillin22LB for ?.
StopLurking_HOE: Niggas lie for what?
Ruffllu: @maggie_scz hah? I'll wait for henrylau
FakeChaChi: @Paigegrecn too bad for him
OhYeaBieberYeah: iHop for dinner? YEEAHHH. LOL. G2G! Byee ! -Christine
NitaBrazyCuhh: So much for my bestfriend @ImEricBest
FloridaBoiG: 100 for da woe..
IreneMSB: @lauraherrerall #ff for u ♥ ya !!
92Kels: Boo for sick grumpy boy.
Burbanksport: Get iBieber for iPhone!
angel1527: Preparing for swimming party :) @fabu_Reiven24
thezenofmaking: @dermiepie Mmm. I had fries for dinner too.
legitlauren01: RT @babee3cakes: Ahh Homerun for Andre Ethierr!!<333
T_Nice_: @Sllim_Mills 10 for 4 or 5 for 2.
Mike_me_up: @rwashton legen...wait for it... dary!
isaacrguerra7: Free sandwich
_NataLiaWara_: @Michelle_Hiong klo dpa undangan,,dpa voucher for tukar dgn souvenir,,,bgtu..:)
karenbluebelle: #ff @Davierich76 cheers for mine xx
HeavilyInDept: WOW!!!! Was war das für ein fetter Abend mit EUCH!!! Danke an ALLE Beteiligten! keep rockin' THX for your support!
YnaffiT_x7: Papa johns for dinner ,
Sahaku4493: Better Track for Girls:
HoneyFeebeeMe: For better or for worst.
iSmokePoshDaily: @jerrytubbs7277 ... and? im not for u
biling_255: @BieberfeverCHIL Thanks for following me ^__^
MrHectorFlores: That HR was for Stephanie. #ETHIER
ecyntian: Keren banget nilai english for PR gu
karenbluebelle: #ff @AlanRenfrew cheers for mine x
marcelofelype: vou-me dormir, good nigth for all xD hehehe
babee3cakes: Ahh Homerun for Andre Ethierr!!<333
HeavilyInDept: WOW!!!! Was war das für ein fetter Abend mit EUCH!!! Danke an ALLE Beteiligten! keep rockin' THX for your support!
bboyregan: Thai for dinner!!
top_angebot: #Italian Charms Module "L" Laserbuchstabe modul by Kult-Schmuck!... (nur 1,99 EUR) #Aufsteiger #Schmuck
widyadianaaa: RT @alfridaaa: RT @keziahakim: RT @bayuone: RT @fauzanojann: RT @rifkikholis: BARCA FOR TONIGHT!
_comer_a_polla_: Thanks for the following @Chamikabarbie
JenniferNxJaceW: Photo: theshadowhunterscodex:
usedpartslive: Pickup Bed for a 1995 Nissan Pickup XE -
JustGorgeous__: RT @Juan_TheChamp: Pray for better days !
PeterMPanvers: Best websites for organic baby crib bedding
Taniaa_rdz: Soo imm off twitter for tnightt! g'nightt((: @n3idas_18 @_JooaaqquiinGG @Jazzii_v13 @33YOUNGGRIZ @24Birdman
petycoo: @nickjonas remenber nick:NILEY for ever...
_JessicaNicole: Wine for dinner
applejacks_21: Dinner for two.... ;)
brianmann: @kimmychung @jeffreymann I meant arcade.
dannii_mae1: Hate wen ah niqqah get mad for nunthinq
cheyney: @HuckleBrie chocolate for dessert!
StarIsAMahomie: LIKE- Tbfl= Team Bieber For Life
lakeview_chic: *****Georgian style newer Brick home for sale by Owner***** (Burr Ridge, Hinsdale) $529000 4bd
nuraaasss: RT @Nurfad hehe RT @nuraaasss: H-2 for @Nurfad
Imbadlikeparker: @rach_immashawol eh I'm gng 2 church. Wanna meet for lunch ?
PerthLiveNews: Krakouer of a find for Pies (The West)
Kpoppp9: @Kenziiiiie thank you Kenzie for always staying classy!
JustBiebsSwagg: @LautnerBiebs143 anything for my twitter bestie!
alandelrio: Free Wei Wei #WeiWei
DanielaRisquez1: Cheer for the lefties @justinbieber @danielarisquez1 @amfs1994
CLuyun: Church's for dinner. Awesome! :D
PaigeSwifty: #NP Free Fallin` - John Mayer.
I_Be_Killin_Em: @BreaBenz nationals for what?
Breiaa140: Yu lame for tht .
Missleja: tanks for following........ @WePraiseJBieber ......
BradRage: wingdome for dinner.
GreatMusician53: Chillin for da nite
HuggO10: Wating for an answer...
JessieBrm: #Mizfit for life!
zombieeGiirrll: @xbieberguy btw thanks for following @/ RaulRaul_ :)
lovingthejb: @BTRsBeauties sisters for life :')
Kels_say: @RWarkenthien is pregaming for breakfast
JAMartinezA: RT @izawashere: Naan for life was fun :)
karenbluebelle: #ff @sjparky cheers for mine x
mznashay626: Chipotle for dinner?