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_shhhQUIETdown: drop dhem numbers yall ")
myttot: Bener bener drop *sick (ʃ˘̩̩̩_˘̩̩̩ƪ)
itsabhthing: @Stephanie1086 @sarah7246 @DonnieWahlberg *thud* #BH down
RP9StocktonBoss: http://t.co/IapChiN Video - Professional Grinderz http://t.co/1Z7U3gz via @WeTheWest
lifebeingshamsz: @keehaniel niiceee. So down!
KamMommy_08: 8 RT @erbodyluvyummie: Man wat time da damn sun go down
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sarrahfitaloka: @sammbieberr lying down .
akmccarther23: Dnt drop that thun thun thun
MissSunburn: Photo: flickerman: http://tumblr.com/xbe2p91ama
Resagarrett: @neXus_03 "Dark Girls"
iGreen1392CP: @Riffy8888 um riffy ur site ia down :'(
Jabber_Moose: @morganoconner LIE.DOWN.
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RAYfcknGOTTI: #NP Kanye West All Falls Down
PoloFee: Im down wen??
Good_lovinn: #np DreamTeam Band - Choppa down
BipolarBossLady: Big Johns For Dinner....Im Finna Bust It Down.
Darealsheena: RT @NileGunner: chipmunk let me down uno smh hbvbnjhgvgfcvhgfbjhyfgtgvfg
LogoGotMojo: @dietofleheart Down in Georgia :O
ivnrokr: RT @nerdcoreblog: Hurraaaa! Der Server ist down! Ich mach wieder Print, ey…
nerdcoreblog: Hurraaaa! Der Server ist down! Ich mach wieder Print, ey…
MissClevePlus10: @BrandenWuensch @missstahl I'm down
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_glorybabby: RT @0hh_geeluna: @_glorybabby Fergie gets down hahah
Itsbobby_XD: Getting so dark from swimming ;p
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CristianCats: @Jorgeorgie im down
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DatsWeniKnew: fck dem over niggas kuz im down for my niggaz
bhammock54: Dinner in the dark
Poke_O_Hunters: Swear down,niggas dey lie o.
AYDloveee: im dark, -.-
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Suzanastm16: Odiei o theme dark desse app.
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cedric_edo: #Binsearch est down?
Maro_MEL: RT @DemBtchezLuvTAE: RT @BronBennett305: I prefer dark liquor
CuffYoBITCHman: Dont drop that dun dun dunn..
ConniLuv: @DaniLaGuera ill be down there sun
JuicyAssBobby: @SickAssDesire im down ;p
MazenMec: @L0vePeaceBieber Aww... Well i'm a professional chef when preparing spaguetti :)
DemBtchezLuvTAE: RT @BronBennett305: I prefer dark liquor
ChylleanneDaley: @DenzTaylorPolo down swear denzii wenzii *yawn*
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_mahoneykate: @eyeleezdrenka @nickjonas IM DOWN WID IT 2
wesbos: @chrisgruggen I'm down
celestemckay: "@NileGunner: chipmunk let me down uno smh hbvbnjhgvgfcvhgfbjhyfgtgvfg"<<lmao
MySharonAnne: win Dark Parties swag: http://j.mp/iNcUtS
franyafranya: @DeutscheDogg Photo is down!
Trent_Gibbs: Im down @MitchKootz
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nisrinaraa: chills run down ma spine..
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marcomgabriel: RT @MarcoDahms: Hm. @Sixtus hat auf Youtube verlinkt. Erwartungsgemäß ist die webseite jetzt für ein paar Stunden down!
DarkSatWorld: Osnabrück: Haben nichts zu verbergen http://www.dark-sat-world.com/showthread.php/12809
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