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awsmTina: @Paladala ich will lieber nen o Saft xd schau mal die Bettwäsche. Just for u. Komm drunter. http://t.co/JowJcNE
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hiprose22: Life for rent
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MUNMEETislegit: @__Jasmeet__ nah.. (: what was 19 minutes left for ? :3
imjay07: Thx for following :) @maxaussie1
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BieberIsLuv__: misshoneybiebs: http://tumblr.com/xf12pm7zm4
_BLIXA_: @tyranosarahrex WooooHoooooo! Big ten for you Miss :-)
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JDB_Perfect: oneboylieber: http://tumblr.com/xb42pm7yly
RiddimBai: Wen are u guys naming the indies Sq for the ODI???? And gayle better be in there!! LOL @digicelcricket
Devils_Water: lipstickonthenightstand: http://tumblr.com/xww2pm7wg9
GiulianaLucas: thejbieberlove: http://tumblr.com/x0u2pm7vyh
Biebeerninja: sorryladiesbieberismine: http://tumblr.com/xoq2pm7uvw
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joyceelife: gabrielcezar: vemk ): http://tumblr.com/xn12pm7p77
ChloebieberK: RT @JustinsEarth: justinbieberismyinspiration: http://tumblr.com/x2l2pm3rnw
xxLauraSxx: justinbieberismyinspiration: http://tumblr.com/x7q2pm7od6
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TiMMYOLAoYE: @nickwren95 @GraceCandlin i cbb just wait for @SophieThynne
LuchoSb: Photo: facflickrfavorites: http://tumblr.com/xlw2pm7mox
PoisonSoapDish: @allie_leighh 52 hits for freshman movie trailer!!
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iJustRelax: RT @_iDontLikeYou: niggas will die for Wayne & Kanye.
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TeamBieberBE: Photo: thebiebs: http://tumblr.com/xyb2pm7jb9
gotandr0id: Google unveils digital 'wallet' for phones http://bit.ly/kuooa8 #pick
kanalnull: Gummigeschosse und Knüppel gegen spanische Demonstranten #spanishrevolution [Updates] | Spreeblick - Videos... http://tumblr.com/x2g2pm7h3n
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BeeEpl: brandneweyes13: http://tumblr.com/xsl2pm7ehn
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_Mar_G: Chinese food for breakfast , lunch &nd dinner :)
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eminemsbitch: my best friend is gorgeous. hehehehhe. http://tumblr.com/xll2pm7c8m
missAisha7861: RT @PluggingBieber: Photo: big brother bieber http://tumblr.com/xt32pm67lu
ghenaalshaya: Mac for Dineer :D
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Maeda9713: Dieting For Dummies: http://amzn.to/kwNL77
Carolloiola: matheusmag: http://tumblr.com/xnh2pm75l7
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x0xAmandaBieber: Photo: thebieberdrug: ASS GRABBERR! http://tumblr.com/xqa2pm75ap
rayFTD: Photo: Einstein FTW. http://tumblr.com/xpt2pm74k2
Ice_Coldd: im just praying for better days
ItsYaBoyMill: #LISTEN Millennium aka Mill - Shut It Down Pt II.. - http://tinyurl.com/3ltn3et
Pop_JBpreppy: beliebinginjustinbieber: http://tumblr.com/xg22pm70lb
Jbroockmyworld: nickjgirl1992: http://tumblr.com/xhz2pm70lz
ItsPauline_: jelenabiemezswag: http://tumblr.com/xdg2pm6zq8
MsPortable: Pay for ur bis joor @dahmhilurlar *yimu*
Wortwunder: @hasherl Ja dann amüsier Dich, aber halt nicht so, dass Du morgen wieder down bist. Weisst schon, die doofen Männer und so! ^^
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chiing_: matheusmag: http://tumblr.com/xak2pm6y5y
____edi: matheusmag: http://tumblr.com/xee2pm6xjf
BelieberOnBlood: @BieberSwag06 Owh okay .. Thnx for ur help (:
SoGrandeAsBiebs: Photo: justinbieberismyinspiration: http://tumblr.com/xcg2pm6wzt
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crossbearer67: RT @poetryizme4lyfe: RT #twitterpoll Lamb Chops or Turkey wings for dinner?! <--- turkey wings!!!
Ryanatimoyoo: Booyah! Best Webisode Series Win for "Chord"!!
Game on :)
Bieber_Creeper: Photo: thebieberdrug: http://tumblr.com/x9a2pm6vf3
Nicollyborges: gabrielcezar: nihfborges: http://tumblr.com/xnc2pm6v6k
CLiebenow: RT @d3baseball: Chapman beats Kean 9-4. 9 runs on 9 hits and 4 errors for Chapman; 4 runs on eight hits and 2 errors for Kean. #d3b
BiebsInBosnia: sorryladiesbieberismine: http://tumblr.com/xie2pm6t5z
MyNewFairyTale: Photo: thebieberdrug: http://tumblr.com/xiy2pm6si4
BieberSpliit: @abpatri @maibieber2311 @annfbieber i'll send for u too
stephlarrrrrr: @daniellaaaa for the JLS prem?
rabidmonk4: @jschwartzlions Nickname for the Lions D-line: "The Lions Den"
jiggyja35: Wendys for lunch
AD12JS: [tumblr] sixtwenty: Chubs ^___^ http://dlvr.it/TDcCX
LouiseMcQuade: chinese for dinner, yaaaas.
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khatch21: @Da_Youngstunner daddy! He gettin dat stuff for chris party
DownHousewives: Sp�testens seit der Serie _Desperate Housewives_ wissen wir, was Hausfrauen den lieben langen Tag so treiben. Echte... http://dlvr.it/TDc7q
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Patriotsfanzzz: RT @Beantown_Fans: Bergenheim skates, but doubtful for Game 7... http://fan.ac/1EmJ #NHL
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nurJame: Ey wie folgen mir mehr Leute wie angelt man die`? http://nurlife.tumblr.com/ Kannst du vllt Shoutout machen? :)
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