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imnotveronikaII: @iJDBieberfan follow for follow? :)
2MuchSoul_: Don't drop that thun thuh thun!
YanaGangOrDie: and none for Gretchen Weiners. Bye :D
DiLipita: Smile for me @justinbieber smile for me ♡
spinxdgaf: mamoochies: http://tumblr.com/xce2qhhwkq
animecrazysteve: Waiting for @Jokwonie
BForEazy: Waiting for @marinahable :o
BAD_mufcka: waitn for her...
kimberlychow: Late for church
admirableteen: @iBieberHero RT for RT ?
chilliesarecool: cant wait for st john camp! Hehehehehehhehe!
pambihirangbata: Sinigang for lunch!!nyum2
sjphilsphan: @magelb why is ruiz's nickname chooch? is it for chucha?
recklesslion: the GazettE FOR THE WIN!
FreierOdenwald: ~never give up~unite the world~freedom for all creatures~Slogans von meinen Bildern.Kunst kann nicht unpolitisch sein.Finde ich. #grunz #sau
raelashae: Praying for better days....
Cristiantyxe: Run an ezine for profit..." http://t.co/Aiqns0t
MZKEKE615: @EdubEsq for me Church, maybe bbq then @asylumsundays on 43rd And Prairie
DHuang143: TWIX for desserts! :)
ginzahahaha: Pray for him
IcayAsterix: Wts gibson SG menace USA..mention for price..thx @FJB_Bandung @forumbandung http://lockerz.com/s/105767463
_ChinaDoll_Shay: Thanks for Following :) @keidresparvier
thesickchick: @timmiesaurus -- I had bison for lunch :)
merrmerry: kangen kamu e :3 #gombal RT @ityzthrie: kamu knpaa mer ?? RT @merrmerry gws for me
bieberarmy_USA: @teimoortreezy @tweettweetweett @BieberFeever133 @Mariaa__Josee @NurulBiebsDanor @BieberCzech Follow for follow? <3
PinoyJkiid: weird feelings for her..
TianaLanai: RT @pisssyO_o: dnt drop tht thun thun thun
ILoveGMCody: #PickOne Christian Beadles Or Justin Bieber... ? Christian Beadles for meh! ;)
BobbayFett: Dubstep Jesus died for the beats
stfn_agatha: Kondisi nge drop bgt parah
LaTangelaFay: @krichfreshkicks found some for 3.51
CaramelKushh: Bedd wiit my niecee for da niqhtt
Younqq_Rosee: @LilButtKalena ard im waitin for shawn give me urr numbrr
24loKo: @LiSSAR0SE wait for it...wait fooorrrr it!..lmao
ThtFlawlesstype: Ribs for dinner !
lovehysteric: Researching schools in Auckland for me and my Daughter.
RobJizdOnMyFace: @Patrickrazzi for me it is x)
uscarsforsale: For Sale: 1997 Nissan Pathfinder LE http://dlvr.it/TM6fN
Jessy_Cain: Sunset Tower for dinner. Yumm yumm
KC_Hindo: La familia for life. Ill sleep when I die
emmanuelabor: @Prstigeworlwide the "S" is for "stuntin"
swy_i_am: sinugbang bangus, native fried chicken for lunch @ridbernate :D gutom na ako!
DatPouncykydd: @HassanJDixon lmao for wat
AsterSelene: The minner in the minners were minnering for minner
StefanoIsMyHero: @woahhitsnicki yaay for being numbaaaaah 1
rhyannemhee: George Clooney In The Descendants #georgeclooney http://bit.ly/k1vfB4
QuiteExquisite: Praying for better.
josefita_bieber: @erniehalter thanks for follow me in @biebs_notas and @josefita_bieber
KiyoseSiaup: Glitz for iPhone 4 Green SW-GLI4-GN: http://amzn.to/iuCkM7
idropbeatz: Drumming for church tomorrow! :) #keepittight
teampj: np: nicki moment for life
AmesDancesInATL: @donniewahlber Birthday twugs for @jenogden :)
pisssyO_o: dnt drop tht thun thun thun
_UNIC0RN: Herpes is for life
MervinSanchez: Pretty much game over for Lewis in Monaco. http://bit.ly/lXIjKB #fb
CreoleBabyBritt: For now...dun dun DUNNN.
KateeOsena: Sisig for lunch :P
GeneviveGras97: jk video - Massage for Legs http://www.wholisticuniverse.com/index.php?ct=&md=details&id=71175
DavidJames81: Getting drunk for america #usa #usa #usa #usa
CoopCashington: @im_prettyxoxo im waiting for you...
Runawaysmilez: Mac & Cheese for lunch!
PYT0516: I hate @christine8705 for bring me here! Lol
IncredibleO: @samanxo lmaoo.. then watchu waitin for??
LiveNRLchat: #NRL Chats start soon for #Dragons Vs #WestsTigers http://www.livenrlchat.com/go/11506
sweets_sweet: @keikei614 「For~」はi-Podに入ってる~
chastity_brook: @iBieberSchwag down on me in my pants haha
UCIbound: Netflix for the night :)
RicoTMArshall: @JohnterisTate praying for you and ya bro @JoshMDaniels
kserquinia: Fast Five is like chick flick for boys.
_xLabelMeDOPE: @jabrieljohnson down there .
SKLTNBOY: cigarettes and wine for breakfast, lunch, and dinner
CocoKisses3: Chill beans and rice for dinner yum yum
ShutUP_ReemO: Ohhh thats #TeamDoItBig for yall dumb niggas !
MattBlanster: @Jelena123Biebs thanks for following them :)
iBieberSchwag: RT @Remy_Ninjas: @iBieberSchwag Moment for life in my pants xD lol
ILoveBieber9797: lovinbiebersswag: http://tumblr.com/xnf2qha2f4
BAllHardAuj: @itsmorganduhhh lmao yu gunna drop her fast watch
tenissasuxx: Yes! Chicken for lunch :)
ivansmiles: @alyssaenz tell jet hi for me :)
Spud_Slinger: For @jillsmo - FInal Round: #2012derp #Palin #derpaderpaDERP http://twitpic.com/53znsu
GetMineCheap: Justin Bieber sticker skin for Nintendo DS Lite NDSL C #JustinBieber
TashurRaquel: RT @reefchubbus: @TashurRaquel wow. Ur smile was 2 die for
istibbb: Chinese for lunch! :)
smoovewitthesax: Cant wait for church...
frangliz: RT @katerinanikolas: College loans for single parents - GEORGIA http://dld.bz/ngpH
clarelikeshugs: Omnomnom :3 my favourite for lunch :) #chicksschnitzel http://lockerz.com/s/105764578
paulinadavis: Waiting for wednesday at 5 #biebermyballsvancouver
nocturnefox: Photo: Jesus Don’t Want Me For A Sunbeam on Flickr. Via Flickr: Jesus, don’t want me for a sunbeam Sunbeams... http://tumblr.com/xhv2qh95tt
Remy_Ninjas: @iBieberSchwag Moment for life in my pants xD lol
JtitsDOAK: @diegofails dude im stocked up
scumbag for life
Latinoeddy: TV dinner for dinner
lizziewhite1: @justinbieber followed @prayforlizzie IM SO HAPPY FOR HER!
fookhiew: @weichaaan hahaha it's all for kungfu panda :)
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