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Elza1983: @BieberPimping Has @justinbieber made u a better person? VOTE FOR HIM: http://twitition.com/xxc6k
AmazeBiebsBoy: howbieberchangedmylife: http://tumblr.com/x3d2oaxl0l
mercuryloo: JunSeung!!! http://tumblr.com/x522oaxj5g
AmazeBiebsBoy: Photo: myworldisjustbieber: http://tumblr.com/x3d2oaxhuo
DoueBeliebes: howbieberchangedmylife: http://tumblr.com/xjy2oaxg1k
thaisa_lisboa: gabrielxarao: http://tumblr.com/xkg2oaxf05
JustinWoelk: Praying for the Midwest.
bellwetherevent: for @grrlie and @rehtots http://pinterest.com/pin/27665973/
youarealliwant: imtheuglyfriend: http://tumblr.com/xle2oaxbjw
who_4info: Für mich steht eindeutig die Spannung im Vordergrund. For me it is important, that a story is exciting.
TheExtraEmily: So siked for the #gleefinale
the_awesumtwin: ledashann: http://tumblr.com/xz92oax6mx
PopnShitMikey: @Mikeyungsavage ite. ima be waitin for ya 2 get here
jbarro: RT @jbouie: RT @brianbeutler Bad night for P90X
LolaMinajBiebs: thatsmybieber: http://tumblr.com/xzi2oax2kp
naannyramos: thejbieberlove: http://tumblr.com/xbp2oax1x8
jbouie: RT @brianbeutler Bad night for P90X
seomods: umweltforschung.de is for sale. Current BID: -- 1d. Auction ending in 13h http://goo.gl/fb/e1EJx #webmasters #domains
BreezyForLifeey: @SwagLikeChrisB LMFAO! I feel sorry for her parents, lmao!
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brunzilla: Smfh RT @mberges_10: 3+3=6 so its 6-6-6 #illuminati RT @brunzilla 33-6-6 for LeBron.
carolinafsilva: gabrielxarao: http://tumblr.com/xaw2oawx60
thehannahmartin: Breakfast for dinner!!!! Hurrah!!!!
AriannaDeBieber: christofer-ingle: http://tumblr.com/xxi2oawtc5
mberges_10: 3+3=6 so its 6-6-6 #illuminati RT @brunzilla 33-6-6 for LeBron.
ShaJohnJohn: beckaisthecutest: Same here, friend. :[ http://tumblr.com/xtn2oawqh2
ArmandoRod16: nickaylasworld: http://tumblr.com/xrk2oawkze
WCiara: Sonic for dinner.
JBLoveU2: Audio: highoffbieber: http://tumblr.com/xt42oawj36
BreLuvsPINK: I'm also not here for Reggie Miller!!!
TessaHandoko: RT"@nicksandiie: Done for today.."
LilCuteFacee: im falling for him ♥
DoueBeliebes: idontlikehim-hefascinatesme: http://tumblr.com/xjy2oawcur
fabadile: Photo: KT Tunstall http://tumblr.com/xak2oaw8df
CathieTranent: Baaaaaaaacon!!!! (sandwich for lunch)
GenesisRodd: Strings and keys for me ♥
FuuckTweetLimit: imtheuglyfriend: http://tumblr.com/xlj2oaw3ut
ellielove24: Photo: unicornsthatsparkle: http://tumblr.com/xee2oavv0m
tiararararara: Wala bang barbie vs bratz diyan? for girls na NBA
No1sPossession: Photo: unicornsthatsparkle: http://tumblr.com/xgj2oavmao
LavondaSays: rice and chicken for dinner
jlustinbieber: @nicolepbieber no girlfriend for me YET :P
EliGmz: Photo: fitzthedizzyspells: http://tumblr.com/xpd2oavb8a
strongerofdemi: imtheuglyfriend: http://tumblr.com/xhc2oav8hd
shonuffnstuff: frozen dumplings for dinner. gitchur #nom on http://t.co/2TRbIN3
paritoperi: RT @ecochem: 災害。学生の力。 #npuh RT @mocchicc: 5/24発売の「NIKKEI DESIGN」…『PRAY FOR JAPAN - 3.11 世界中が祈りはじめた日』を掲載されています。「コミュニケーションのデザイン」…http://instagr.am/p/Er4cV/
manageOnline: 2011.05.25 – 3 For U – Janie & Cherry Fashion Sudsapda http://goo.gl/fb/glUvD
Choiceology: Sun safe stuff for summer - http://ow.ly/4ZYZm
Lincomprise: Photo: Meuf de “Rich Girl” http://tumblr.com/xdq2oav4f7
iBieberCyrusV: christofer-ingle: http://tumblr.com/xwi2oav3yt
_HueyNewton_: RT @shes_TAYLOREDD: *re-dies* *starts studying for finals*
Overttherainbow: cyrusbiebertown: http://tumblr.com/xqo2oav2uf
littlegracia: Sorry for spamming :]
iOwnBieberHeart: lifeofbieber: http://tumblr.com/xnm2oauzx4
Kicks_4days: wade went swimming for dat 1
loveeshady: Im Weird :) http://tumblr.com/xca2oauwjm
purpleninja1994: christofer-ingle: http://tumblr.com/xso2oaurt3
JadeWarshaw: Schluck em' Down!!!!
JamaicaE: heybrittbritt: http://tumblr.com/xfb2oaun1f
andybloombill: Photo: billisnotscheisse: http://tumblr.com/x2v2oaula8
Bonesniffer: Photo: trauermarsch: http://tumblr.com/xvp2oauley
NessaGotDaJuice: @AlexisDaniellee For What?
shes_TAYLOREDD: *re-dies* *starts studying for finals*
shandywebb: RT @lewisusher: @bradiewebb for me???
anggalattos: RT @yeahright_brand: YR @CDCJKT idr 100rb for order 085691783860 http://twitpic.com/4cmw62
bieberfans_br: howbieberchangedmylife: http://tumblr.com/xuh2oaue61
BieberNSN2011: heckyeahjustindrewbieber: http://tumblr.com/xcu2oaucok
ecochem: 災害。学生の力。 #npuh RT @mocchicc: 5/24発売の「NIKKEI DESIGN」…『PRAY FOR JAPAN - 3.11 世界中が祈りはじめた日』を掲載されています。「コミュニケーションのデザイン」…http://instagr.am/p/Er4cV/
b3kz: Audio: mitchell-parker: http://tumblr.com/xxo2oaua2u
WeBRloveJBieber: Photo: bieber-edits: http://tumblr.com/xog2oau7z4
LeezyDaGreatest: Photo: unicornsthatsparkle: http://tumblr.com/xil2oau85k
BubblyJDB: Photo: laurenn-michelle: http://tumblr.com/xjc2oau6lt
RaulMendezSmn: Are bringing me down! (8) churun chuchuchuchurun...
Sarah_Panchia: Photo: sarahisstuckinwonderland: http://tumblr.com/xsh2oau3rp
Your_L0VE: Well for t2niqht!
ChloeSWaters: Christmas 2010: Christmas gift ideas for your girlfriend http://dld.bz/zBjz
ChrisChan100G: Church's for dinner :]
Love4BeadlesJB: howbieberchangedmylife: http://tumblr.com/xi92oau02z
xRespectBieberx: Photo: laurenn-michelle: http://tumblr.com/xrw2oaty1g
haruutan: bigbangforlife: Lies http://tumblr.com/xdw2oatxtv
JBsLatiinGirl: Photo: laurenn-michelle: http://tumblr.com/xys2oatuox
NoiseOfRevenge: Audio: ryroisinmyclosetwithbrennybear: *die* http://tumblr.com/x4k2oatq0x
Lovelynyuhh: @J_Wett that was for kodama
ITakeNoBullShit: theurbanlife: http://tumblr.com/xhb2oatpuv
LovingMrBieber: thebiebermoney: http://tumblr.com/xc12oatod6
kCOMMITTEE: @lickem_WET idc for neither team lol
Sinraau: Photo: Wehttam: #Rift http://tumblr.com/xil2oatn2d
mheRLeen: RT @LauChan_: Gut luck for senior 64 @unklabgrads ma pray for u all ☺
madboy671: Down birdie... :)
beliebeinbieber: howbieberchangedmylife: http://tumblr.com/xsu2oatd28
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