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MarijkevdScheer: John Bernhard for Sinterklaas...#kvdb
CraZyy_Gorgeous: Cooking chicken for dinner:)
burberrycrys: Leftover Chinese for dinner.
GEtCHU_SUM: #inhighschool icame to school drunkk for ma art semester test. Lmaoooo
Esha_BoBesha13: @DorisGorgeous I feel for him when he dies
the_real_BU: what's for dinner... BBQ CHICKEN
sayheymichelle: waiting for dinner!
mxjxcx: @jaymeschlitt That's Bede for you. :p
_hoeslovemetho: dinosaur chicken nuggets for dinner :] #smalljoys http://lockerz.com/s/104494119
VILLEGASLUIS77: For Better or Worse. - http://ow.ly/4Une4
MrHenncredible: #NoLie Oprah is slick needa gon and run for president...
Britanyscxi: Cooking chicken and biscuit pot-pie for dinner
Carolynqgzn: Cooking chicken and biscuit pot-pie for dinner
ShadowMGNT: “@machinegunkelly: For life”
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SparkleRica: @DaintyDollCher OMG er is sooo hot, hast das bild gesehen was ich dir vorhin gepostet hab bei fb?? *drool* haha bin grad voll down wieder :(
nikkigafford: For @LABabyChloe and @okaynickillstay. :)
caitlindavisxo: Out for dinner:)
StaceyyPoo: Imma have BK for dinner (: yayaya
songcoleta: All fall down - George Jones http://ja.songcoleta.info/lyrics/all_fall_down_(george_jones)
laurenpowell23: RT @emileejo32: praying for Guthrie!!
DaintyDollCher: @SparkleRica ja das dachte ich mir aich grad xD haha du suchti. Der sah ja ein bisschen aus wie roy, der saenger von scouting for girls
IFuckFeelings: whts for dinner ?
Ionelyo: Cooking chicken and biscuit pot-pie for dinner
Adellexym: Cooking chicken and biscuit pot-pie for dinner
jbiebsforever98: Jelena is another word for drama.
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SISHAK33: @OhSoLoco when is that LP gonna drop #innocentguns #neverlateisbetter
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FlatBootyBella: eggs and ketchup for dinner !!!!!!!!!
XSplendidSavyX: jayyybetzexo: http://tumblr.com/x7d2o41igw
sparklesglee: @GleekyBieber #GLEEinNYC and #GleeFinale FOR SUUUURE ;)
Rebeccatxpj: Cooking chicken and biscuit pot-pie for dinner
victormenezes44: @_biialeite se vc for eu vo
brunaellenbh: @meupatiosavassi se for Gibbs eu ganhei! rsrsrs
gleeenn: geordie-shore: http://tumblr.com/xyo2o413yr
sportskaoriz3: Arsenal demand €10m for not-so-great Dane Nicklas Bendtner - JOE http://bit.ly/lZQEEk
cbandm: @jeffschroeder23 Whyyyyyyy not? ... whatcha waiting for???
Billabeng: RT @Ivajlo: RT @Billabeng: Wie gaan mee dan?? http://lockerz.com/s/104492395 • Als je niet chickent ben ik sowieso down//hehe ga proberen!!
kahntroy: http://goo.gl/b0kxE 3 Bodies Found in San Diego Pool, Another in Tub http://fxn.ws/ijjBhS http://goo.gl/OcpW8
MyROSES_areRED: @FreshPickedKEWI wat u smh for?
YahaTsei: Requiem for a dream sollte man jedem Möchtegern 14 Jährigen Joint-Raucher vor die Nase halten. Verstehen wird er ihn beileibe nicht....
Etibar_Q: RT @Demirdemirov: @Glinner @presidentaz Graham Linehan is sorry for pressure on #Azerbaijan ! http://twitpic.com/522cgn
dellaje: RT @cutkakmanda: hbd @meilanneni best wishes for you friend :)
PassionatePAIGE: Whats for dinner?
laurashel: RT @BrettWSmithley Spandex pants not for size 18 women #iwentthere
emileejo32: praying for Guthrie!!
Shaundazzp: Cooking chicken and biscuit pot-pie for dinner
marleecakes: Pizza hut for dinner @yumekaithejedi
lulu261984: 7 for dinner???? @Ubermoogle
sapp50: Mmmm bacon for dinner
HisFireFly: Flickers for Him is out! http://bit.ly/h4UK4e
Velaija: for the record: allemaal onbewerkt =)
ChoklatTea: Breakfast for dinner it is
lovaticnation: @JUSTINBIEBER STRIP FOR ME & @AthenaRBieber :)
BonjourBombe: Popeyes For Dinner..!!
eBC_Pets_S: Miami: Maltese Puppies For Sale Male and Female - $300 (Miami) http://bit.ly/jJYY9R #eBC #Pets
Kimberleyklkh: Cooking chicken and biscuit pot-pie for dinner
Rocketeer_Kush: Hot wings for dinner :D
julesolafsson: prayers prayers prayers for Jesús Walter.
cutkakmanda: hbd @meilanneni best wishes for you friend :)
cdmungo: wats for dinner? taco
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hanstweeties: Absolute big love for #geordieshore
AndroTux: RT @kawie: Tweetie wurde umbenannt in "Twitter for iPhone", heißt Tweetdeck dann bald "Twitter for junkies"?
ibeJAM_min: J for jammin'
danimir: Murdoch Urges Digital Innovation In Schools: Mr Murdoch was joined by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, executiv... http://bit.ly/jz89gC
Karisma_Babii: Tilapia or chicken for dinner??
museumtraveller: NZ: Christchurch, NZL: from USD 95 for 1 night(s) http://bit.ly/khhGRz
jeqmagic12: spagetti for dimmer..? eww .. #thatsnasty
songcoleta: All fall down - George Jones http://es.songcoleta.info/lyrics/all_fall_down_(george_jones)
x_kaaatieee: @Dawnn_x hi5 for not wanting to be Geordie! ;) xx
FionnGM: @janestegerlewis Still windy down there Jane?
meggielangdale: @BenjaminBert cool. pay for me?
dealcatch_la: $50 for Five Vibration Machine Sessions http://dealcatch.com/deal/83394/t
gelibeans: ragpicker for life
bieberlove411: @bieber_zelda thanks for the follow x
ExoticMaserati: Breakfast For Dinner (Brinner) Yumm !
Janinevhf: Cooking chicken and biscuit pot-pie for dinner
Jass_TheAss: Chris Brown beg for it #hmhhh lls
ClarkMKane: Christmas 2010: Gifts ideas for software programmers http://dld.bz/5PJX
johnbroad: @GEORGIE_GAVIN Pipe down sidekick.
SenhorMacaco: Sauna/Grill George For Men.
natta_haotzima: dia de hoy: for breakfast...sandwich; for lunch...sandwich..; for dinner...sandwich :)
Ednambej: Cooking chicken and biscuit pot-pie for dinner
lynseygardnerr: RT @Murzo_: Chuffed for Larbert high school team!
zoevandenbrink: Sickass hamburgesa for dinner! http://t.co/rLpQz1k
DealsFRA: 35 statt 78 Euro für italienische Spitzenküche im beliebten Ristorante Vita Vera – 3-Gänge-Menü für 2 Personen
NikkyTreeHugger: Can't wait for dinner!
AuburnSportsNow: APR for SEC schools http://es.pn/kEYBPw
_jenniferjames: @patrickallmond @danielle_walker many prayers for danielle right now. #feelsick
plethoradenied: Waiting for Jesse...
KingVono: cluck u chicken for dinner
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