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nadiaatje777: Tjuus sorry ohr doe mn best
FakeCyrusM: @FalseNJ HI BEST FRIEND.
BecauseImME_: RT @YallKnoLinaa: Nicki Minaj Is The Best :))
COCKYEMANU: @lyotomachidafw ur the best!!!!
AUSSYBelieber: @justinbieber your the best brah!
_SincerelyDEMI: RT @YallKnoLinaa: Nicki Minaj Is The Best :))
SauveJessica: @brookeberbaum im down #suckstosuckliv
flora_miller: altzheimer is a girls best friend -_-°
AndyGiEm: @justinbieber te amo Jelena is the best :)
Bethhhwilliams: @justinbieber best movie ever
JustME_SoloDolo: RT @YallKnoLinaa: Nicki Minaj Is The Best :))
MariekeDroogh_: @younessappie best wel eng hahahaha x
cetinemre: @meryemuzerli best smiley award winnerr
jrSNR: @KandiiKeish all the best
AleshaLebeaux66: @chanelmall chanel is the best
mzchannigm: Da ooman say she wudda bite aaf u neck and drop e a grung LOL
_Georgiasimpson: @justinbieber aw the notebook! best film <3
Jowsen: @anneruthh Whooh die is best nice!
ninobby98: Snaptu gedoawnload best chill
Chruizna: HBD @nie2_ajah wish u all the best
augrushh: @LucyWestie @jackmcwestie @snowywestie @westiesp @macintoshwestie they're wise and the best !
podcastEpisoden: Best of "ToHeSeLü" aus den letzten beiden Jahren (RSSMix) #podcast
celia8bieber: @justinbieber the best.
ShanequaMinaj: @NICKIMINAJ U ARE THE BEST!!!!!!
AQWtaimaru: @sonickun360 *drop kiks from behind*
larissjuhh1: @RamonVJ haha best wel X
chielosss: Best hier.!
callonnick: @HerschelVB is the best!
stefalmelo: best wel lam nuu.
Ohh_GeeLuna: The Best !
BieberSwaag: best danm nightt ... - six-d
JimRitchie16: @WickedAngie I will try my best!! Na night Angie (((hugs)))) x
SexCscorpio88: @PRETTIAZZBARBIE down for what?
MajorDesno: das neue video zu der singel best friends brother ist ja mal so GEIL mal schauen ob ich es in hd finde ach ich bin jetz einfach HAPPY
erogamedaisuki: 沙耶の唄 Nitro The Best! Vol.2
Luciavictoria98: @justinbieber im the best bird
EnvyMe_Tayy: RT @YallKnoLinaa: Nicki Minaj Is The Best :))
CarlosGuimares2: @LaShaneNichole fendi best price is here:
AnayaKasson: RT @YallKnoLinaa: Nicki Minaj Is The Best :))
_kari_44: So @stupidkris is the best :D
jefflefeld: @kevhoyng best in NBA.
FayeSmith3: @StephxArcher bye best friend #untiluniends
tdigggggs: @justinbieber the notebook<3 best movie
LemonLilley: drunken sandwich making THE BEST KIND
ozgurcetinn: @hazalinsayfasi iyi o zaman benden demesi:))laklak showu öneriyorum best fmde neşen yerine gelsin:)Gece gece iyi gider:)
Tarik_Bosna23: Best chille film^^
LilTiara535: RT @YallKnoLinaa: Nicki Minaj Is The Best :))
newfiehun: @kristinnuendo @katie_lynn47 Imma do my best, ladies :)
YallKnoLinaa: Nicki Minaj Is The Best :))
Rizvia10: @hoggie1803 @hoggie96 best.thing.ever.
JuneSixGemini: #NP I'm The Best-Nicki Minaj
juliewiener: RT @lisajablon: #FF BEST @HofstraU #PR alums! @LaurenLoverde @AlyssaBertuzzi @bdeluca89 @cbrown43 @juliewiener @macmessina @AlexPetrucelli @EileenZarina
magiemars: Best Friday night movie : John Tucker Must die !! ♥♥
iGotBiebersBack: @justinbieber best movie EVER<3
sammersxo: @justinbieber best. movie. ever.
jamiem1patsfan: @teinkerbel may the best team win!
TRV_Max: Mal wieder eingeworfen: System of a down - #Hypnotize
BieberPromotion: @justinbieber best movie ever
Jorn992: richting ws. best wel kalt
misshannahb23: @justinbieber best movie ever
IAmJoshMcFresh: #NP All Falls Down - Kanye West & Syleena Johnson
OhEmGeeItsBecca: @justinbieber BEST MOVIE EVERRRR!! :)
_ZoeWills: @justinbieber the notebook, BEST movie. <3
Axel_Hundt: 50% sparen bei 2-tlg. Pfannenset von Stoneline! Jetzt mit Best Preis Garantie bei…
jdb_snicolle: @justinbieber Best movie ever.
ItsYaBoyMill: #LISTEN Millennium aka Mill - Shut It Down Pt II.. -
dabushkamarudin: @faliqfahmie how was the movie bro?? Best x?
iSpeakBRAT: Germiah ♥ He's the best
gangstafreakloc: #LISTEN freakloc - all falls down retwiss.. -
foreverrsarah: @emilymackenzie GET DA FUQ DOWN HURR
tommydkt: <- the best
HMMofficial: Best AC/DC album?
clairesxx: oh wow the chosen gun game in saw best bit ;)
Olivier_C: @greggrunberg
malinivk: @WesamAleyadeh Best music in Europe bro.
WeAreTEAMJ20: #FF The Best #TEAMJ20 :) ! @krissyTheGr8
benteelovee: RT @xxaydaxx: ikvind @TimM0F0 best chill als hij lam is..
Itch23Cdub: RT @DaBoulBurke: P&J is the best sandwich!!
tkarichan: Calera Mills 1999 was best!!
PISHPOSH_BARBIE: RT @BarbieBeccaX: Nicki Is The Best, Best, Best *Dances* Hehe !!! Xoxoxoxo
nikkiinocente: @Ty_die Is my BEST FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D
UvT_numba98: That jet life the best life
vittoriabieber_: WYR being Justin Bieber's best friend or his girlfriend? =)
Organoo: Am the best
OosawaKukauu: The Best Part:
Massage_2011: Massage Choosing the Best Massage Therapy Classes
MyNMeRiNgsBeLLs: @OohAahLuvTEDDiE thank yu da best
MegzJLS_TT: The Best Angles ..